Margaret Bradach
Margaret Bradach
ALL AMERICAN BACKYARD Margaret Bradach $95 Oil Painting - 12" H, 12" W - Not Framed Found this comfy yard on Misty Meadows on the Island. Owner came out to talk about the evolution of the whimsical creations. Questions? Email [email protected] Local pickup only - at CCA on 8/1/20 from 2pm to 4pm. Click to purchase |
SUNRISE OR SUNSET Margaret Bradach $75 Oil on canvas 8" H, 10" W - Unframed. On the shore the sunrises and sunsets are equally beautiful. Sometimes the only hint you have for which is which is the direction you're facing. This painting was done facing East. Questions? Email [email protected] Local pickup only - at CCA on 8/1/20 from 2pm to 4pm. Click to purchase |
VIRTUAL SWIM Margaret Bradach $65 SOLD Watercolor on Yupo 5" H, 7" W - Unframed. I take plenty of photos at pony swim time. This reference photo is from Etta’s Restaurant dock. So close the ponies splash water on the spectators. Questions? Email [email protected] Local pickup only - at CCA on 8/1/20 from 2pm to 4pm. Click to purchase |
Oyster Seeker Margaret Bradach $50 SOLD Acrylic on canvas 4" H, 6" W - Unframed Go over the causeway any day of the week, anytime of the year and at low tide there will be a waterman “catching” the salty treat balancing himself in the sucking marsh mud. Questions? Email [email protected] Local pickup only - at CCA on 8/1/20 from 2pm to 4pm. Click to purchase |